Posts with the category “devotionals”
Chasing Lions...
by Rob Thompson on January 6th, 2023
Are you a big reader? Some of us would say we haven't read a book since we were required to in grade school. Some of us read voraciously. Frankly, I'm in the middle. Recently, I revisited a book that I've read multiple times… "In the Pit of Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. Mark challenges us to reflect upon the courage of Benaiah in 2 Samuel 23:20-21... “He also went down into a pit o... Read More
Adeste Fideles
by Rob Thompson on December 9th, 2022
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is and are eternally faithful. Jesus existed before his birth (John 1:1). Jesus came to earth and lived among us (John 1:14); he is our Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). Jesus suffered on the cross, dying a slow and painful death (Matthew 7:45-56), took on our sin (1 Peter 2:24) and was raised again (Matthew 28:6). He is currently at the right hand of God the Father (Romans 8:34) holding all things together (Colossians 1:17), according to... Read More
by Pete Nelson on April 22nd, 2022
Today I’m on an airplane heading to see our new granddaughter! Not only that , but it’s the first day people can fly without wearing a face mask (although 60% are)! There is some freedom today! The stewards are enjoying this and it’s great to see smiling faces and if you’re reading this it means we also safely landed, which would be a huge plus! If not, and this iPad is recovered, I leave all of m... Read More
by Rob Thompson on October 15th, 2021
I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately. Reflecting upon my priorities, my allegiances, my task lists, good vs great, time allowances, etc. It's always good to slow down and reflect. It's been a great time of recalibration. I'm not done, but I'm re-learning lessons along the way.Consider this... Every now and then, I recognize that the compass function of my smart phone is a little off. Ma... Read More
Shhh... Can you hear the silence?
by Rob Thompson on September 16th, 2021
Scripture says to be still... We all want it. We all need it. We all almost never experience it.
Stillness and silence allow for the presence of God and reorientation of life.
Does the volume of your life allow for... Read More
Rest for the Weary
by Rob Thompson on April 30th, 2021
“In a piece of music, the notation for ‘rest’ is a pause in the music. The rest is as important as the note. The space that is not filled with music is a space that helps frame the music. It keeps its meter and holds the melody in place. The musical rest is a positive filling of that space, not a void.” “The composer of the music carefully placed those rests as parts of the whole. To remove them changes everything about the music: its meter, its interpretation, even the melody.” Stephen Shortridge writes in Deepest Thanks, Deeper Apologies Read More
by Rob Thompson on March 5th, 2021
If we expect to be ONE in Church, there must be uncommon and unnatural intentional behavior. Common vision, purpose and goals (certainly we are called to this) requires uncommon and unnatural teachability, eagerness for harmony, admiration of other’s, humilty and meekness.Teachability - “Never be wise in your own sight.” Rom 12:16Eagerness for Harmony – “Live in harmony with one another” Rom 12:1... Read More
Red Rider BB Gun...
by Rob Thompson on December 11th, 2020
It's Christmas time. It's a time set aside for family, for lights and decorations, remembering and reflection, for Hallmark movies. In our family, it's a time for ELF and Polar Express! It's also a time set aside for GIFTS (giving and receiving)!
I've been waiting my whole life for... Read More
'Tis the Season
by Pete Nelson on December 4th, 2020
It’s December. We are now full swing into the Christmas season! Of course, as with everything else in 2020, this is shaping up to look different. There’s a certain sadness to that, understandably, because well, we are generally not too fond of change! As Christmas Day draws near I simply want to give us a few observations about finding joy in the midst of “the uniquely challenging “ season we’ve b... Read More
Finding the Music
by Pete Nelson on October 16th, 2020
I believe there's a distinct tune God has put in each one of us! It's a song that is your own, put there by God.In the church we often talk about "discovering your giftedness", or "finding your shape for ministry". We believe that the God of the universe saves us by his grace and then makes us ministers of that grace, which takes various forms. We really do need to find out who we are, what makes ... Read More
Shining Lights
by Josh Cervone on October 2nd, 2020
The other night, I was sitting on my porch enjoying the evening and reading. I had some music playing. It was a gorgeous fall night. I had the company of a good book and had even seen some deer meandering through my yard, seemingly oblivious to my presence. But I couldn't help but feel a soft undercurrent of sadness. This often happens during the fall as nature is slowly shedding the vibrancy of s... Read More
The Pipeline
by Pete Nelson on September 25th, 2020
Let's think about prayer. We have a direct connection to heaven, an avenue to the very throne room of God. Prayer is an awesome thing.... We can talk with our Father in heaven!A few observations about prayer. First, it doesn't change God, or make him change his mind. He is, after all, God... Meaning that he is omnipotent and all knowing. He orders our steps and his plans cannot be thwarted. Second... Read More
Melted Gold, Bovine Statues, and Dopes
by Josh Cervone on September 10th, 2020
I would like to tell you a story. In the distant past, there was a man who was raised to be a leader. He was groomed to take on a powerful role in the most powerful nation on earth. However, he never fulfilled those plans because he murdered a man he saw beating a slave. Once he did this, he knew he must flee to avoid certain death himself, so he fled into the wilderness. Some years passed and in ... Read More
The Blog of Blah
by Pete Nelson on September 4th, 2020
The fall is upon us and in talking with a lot of people this past month I’ve clearly seen the trend that very few people are excited about the prospects of moving into the fall season. There is a general malaise about school starting, the normal hype for fall sports is nearly nonexistent, we are tired of wearing masks, we literally do not know who to believe, or who’s “science" is accurate, and th... Read More
A Culture of Fear (#2)
by Rob Thompson on August 28th, 2020
Last week, Pastor Josh wrote about our society that has been overrun by fear. Take some time to read that. It was good. Very good.Personal Confession: I've struggled with fear and worry my whole life. I am an expert (tongue in cheek) and can certify that...Fear/worry consumes.Fear/worry steals.Fear/worry blinds.Fear/worry kills.Fear/worry distracts.Fear/worry deceives.Fear/worry devours.Fear/wo... Read More
A Culture of Fear
by Josh Cervone on August 21st, 2020
We live in a society that has been overrun by fear. I don’t think that statement is a surprise to anyone reading this. We are living in a time when we all have access to everything that is happening, all the time, all over the world. If there is a home invasion in Arizona or an outburst of violence in Timbuktu, we will all be alerted instantaneously. Not only will be we notified on our phones, we ... Read More
A Season of Politics, Posturing, Prejudice, & Pandemic
by Pete Nelson on August 7th, 2020
Every day we are flooded with information: there is a presidential race, constant political posturing, prejudice and racial tension, and for extra fun a virus that keeps on giving. What on earth is the Lord doing?Well – for one thing – nothing new. It was Solomon who penned the words, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccles... Read More
Would you like some fruit?
by Josh Cervone on July 31st, 2020
I remember, as a kid, going to Sunday School one morning and seeing fruit on the flannel board. There was a watermelon, a banana, an apple, and various other fruits. Each piece of fruit had a word written on it. As the class began, the teacher introduced a passage from Galatians and told us we would be learning about the fruits of the Spirit. The watermelon was love, the banana was joy, the apple ... Read More
A Look at Psalm 46 in a time of trouble.
by Rob Thompson on April 1st, 2020
A brief look at Psalm 46 in a time of trouble...Click here to read Psalm 461. God's Presence in the midst of our PainVery Present - 1holy Habitation 4God is in the midst 5The Lord is with us - 7, 112. God's Protection in the midst of our Pain.Refuge, 1Help, 1We will not fear, 23. God's Peace in the midst of our Pain.Glad 4Our fortress - 7, 11Be Still- 104. God's Power in the midst of our Pain.... Read More