A Prayer for Day Camp
Beacon Day Camp is fast approaching, and for nearly 50 of our teenagers, that means that they are about to be in full-steam preparation mode beginning this weekend! This Sunday is our first day camp training, and while some are well-experienced with years of day camp under their belt, many are attending a training for the first time, totally new to the counselor life! With this in mind, I thought it appropriate to share with you a few things that you can be praying for as you support these students this summer!
As I shared, many of our counselors this year are taking on the role for the first time, and our first training can sometimes feel like a ton of bricks. A dozen campers is no small responsibility, and many of our counselors truly realize that as we walk through lists of places to be, procedures to keep in mind, and lessons to talk about. Pray that everyone, but especially our new counselors, would feel confident that they can take on this challenge, and that Christ will walk with them into it.
As many of you know, two weeks of day camp can be an exhausting endeavor, and few people know that better than the teenagers who spend hours and hours with the campers. Please pray that our counselors would have patience when things get hard, encouragement when things don’t go their way, and joy no matter what for the work that they get to do in their campers’ lives.
Awareness of Christ’s presence
One of the reasons we have so many counselors every summer is because participating in day camp is a blast, and while that’s exciting, what that sometimes means is that it can be easy to forget that Christ and the Gospel are their first and foremost purpose. Pray that our students would not simply see day camp as a fun time or a nice thing to do, but that they would have a deep awareness (perhaps for the first time) of the way that God can use them, and the impact that the Gospel has as they share it.
Peace and Unity
Spending two weeks working with the same people, while exhausted, can easily lead to discord. Pray that our students, through God’s Spirit, would share the same vision, support each other when things get hard, and never take out their frustrations on each other.
Health and safety
When you get run down, you get sick! Pray for our counselors that they might stay healthy and rested throughout the two weeks of camp!
Our hope is that every student participating in day camp would be presented with an opportunity to partner with Jesus in sharing the Gospel. Pray that God would arrange all things so that our students might connect miraculously with these campers and have a chance to share the Gospel in a meaningful way
There’s lots else to pray for, but these are the things on my mind this morning. Many of you will be joining us in this day camp work as well, and so, in closing, I offer you this prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. Please be praying such things for yourself and for our students this Summer!
“O God, the King eternal, whose light divides the day from the
night and turns the shadow of death into the morning: Drive
far from us all wrong desires, incline our hearts to keep your
law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that, having
done your will with cheerfulness during the day, we may,
when night comes, rejoice to give you thanks; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.”
As I shared, many of our counselors this year are taking on the role for the first time, and our first training can sometimes feel like a ton of bricks. A dozen campers is no small responsibility, and many of our counselors truly realize that as we walk through lists of places to be, procedures to keep in mind, and lessons to talk about. Pray that everyone, but especially our new counselors, would feel confident that they can take on this challenge, and that Christ will walk with them into it.
As many of you know, two weeks of day camp can be an exhausting endeavor, and few people know that better than the teenagers who spend hours and hours with the campers. Please pray that our counselors would have patience when things get hard, encouragement when things don’t go their way, and joy no matter what for the work that they get to do in their campers’ lives.
Awareness of Christ’s presence
One of the reasons we have so many counselors every summer is because participating in day camp is a blast, and while that’s exciting, what that sometimes means is that it can be easy to forget that Christ and the Gospel are their first and foremost purpose. Pray that our students would not simply see day camp as a fun time or a nice thing to do, but that they would have a deep awareness (perhaps for the first time) of the way that God can use them, and the impact that the Gospel has as they share it.
Peace and Unity
Spending two weeks working with the same people, while exhausted, can easily lead to discord. Pray that our students, through God’s Spirit, would share the same vision, support each other when things get hard, and never take out their frustrations on each other.
Health and safety
When you get run down, you get sick! Pray for our counselors that they might stay healthy and rested throughout the two weeks of camp!
Our hope is that every student participating in day camp would be presented with an opportunity to partner with Jesus in sharing the Gospel. Pray that God would arrange all things so that our students might connect miraculously with these campers and have a chance to share the Gospel in a meaningful way
There’s lots else to pray for, but these are the things on my mind this morning. Many of you will be joining us in this day camp work as well, and so, in closing, I offer you this prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. Please be praying such things for yourself and for our students this Summer!
“O God, the King eternal, whose light divides the day from the
night and turns the shadow of death into the morning: Drive
far from us all wrong desires, incline our hearts to keep your
law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that, having
done your will with cheerfulness during the day, we may,
when night comes, rejoice to give you thanks; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.”