The Pottery Shop

The Bible uses the analogy of the potter and the clay in a number of places (Isaiah 64:8: Romans 9:21; Jeremiah 18 as examples). In each case the Lord is depicted as the Potter and we are the clay. He makes that very clear in each instance… Reminding us that he is the Creator and we are the creation.

Here’s how one example from Isaiah 45 reads:
“Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘what are you making’? or ‘your work has no handles’?"

Let me just say this… I used to relate more clearly to the portion of this verse that reads “your work has no handles." But time, ice cream, and too many home baked goods has, let’s just say added the “love handles“ to God‘s work :)
That aside, I love this principal in God’s word. The principal is this: he forms us exactly the way he planned. No mistakes, no whoopsies, no need for do overs. This is a principal that we need to continue to emphasize to our children and grandchildren. We clearly live in an age when people feel they are in their wrong bodies. This is nothing less than a wicked deception from the evil one! There are a whole lot of factors that play in to this deception, culture, social media, social contagion. But it all stems from evil and involves lies from hell itself!

The best defense here is a good offense, and that is found in Gods word. The examples of the potter, the portrait of a creator God who does all things well, the fact that we are “in his image”, not to mention the warnings “woe to him who argues with his maker”, suggesting a price to pay for our foolishness. And down the road we’re going to see that sadly play out.

I leave us with David’s beautiful words from Psalm 139:13-14, “For you formed my inward parts, You knitted me together in my mother‘s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; My soul knows it very well.”

Keep on believing this, teaching it to your children, grandchildren, and their friends! Continue to stand on truth!

Pete Nelson



