The Beacon/Morency Partnership is a program where two churches from vastly different cultures have the opportunity to come together as Sister Churches in a long-term, viable relationship with the purpose of transforming each church community spiritually, socially and physically.
Through this amazing program the Sister Churches’ focus of IMPACT is on five key areas. These areas are Evangelism, Discipleship, Education, Social Compassion and Community Development.
The Beacon/Morency Partnership is a reciprocal one where both churches receive a warm relationship as well as the chance to work together on ministry. It facilitates the idea of connecting church communities in order to build a bond through Christ where language, race, economic and cultural barriers are broken; and each church thrives through communication and taking up what that church needs. As this relationship develops, the churches partner and visit together, worshiping and working together.
Our goal in the Beacon/Morency Partnership with all we do and plan is to build a deep rooted spiritual community that blossoms within both churches.
For more information on the Beacon/ Morency Partnership, please check out our Facebook page
For additional information on partnerships in general, please go to RMI's website by clicking