How to Study the Bible
1. Underline or highlight key words or phrases.
2. Put it into your own words. Read the passage slowly and rewrite it in your own words.
3. Ask & answer who, what, where, why, when, & how.
4. Capture the big idea of the passage.
5. Ask how can my life change as I respond to what I've read?
(Taken from Navigator's 5x5x5 Reading Plan)
2. Put it into your own words. Read the passage slowly and rewrite it in your own words.
3. Ask & answer who, what, where, why, when, & how.
4. Capture the big idea of the passage.
5. Ask how can my life change as I respond to what I've read?
(Taken from Navigator's 5x5x5 Reading Plan)

Reading Plans

Recommended Bible Study Tools
See Blog Post: "Which Bible is Best for Me?"
Concordance: ESV Exhaustive Concordance
(Purchase HERE, HERE, or HERE)
Whole Bible Commentary: The Bible Knowledge Commentary (Purchase: HERE, HERE, or HERE)
Commentary Series: The New American Commentary (This is a 42 volume series sold by most book sellers)
Maps: ESV Bible Atlas
(Purchase: HERE, HERE, or HERE)
Bible Dictionary:
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
Nelson's Compact Bible Dictionary
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Systematic Theology: Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (Purchase HERE or HERE)
Concordance: ESV Exhaustive Concordance
(Purchase HERE, HERE, or HERE)
Whole Bible Commentary: The Bible Knowledge Commentary (Purchase: HERE, HERE, or HERE)
Commentary Series: The New American Commentary (This is a 42 volume series sold by most book sellers)
Maps: ESV Bible Atlas
(Purchase: HERE, HERE, or HERE)
Bible Dictionary:
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
Nelson's Compact Bible Dictionary
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Systematic Theology: Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem (Purchase HERE or HERE)