Act Justly, Love Mercy
Our verse for 2023 was found in Micah 6:8 it reads as follows: “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
We are walking through a week where we say goodbye to one year and welcome in 2024. The year ahead will be full of promise, challenges, fears, triumphs, and a whole lot of unknowns!
We do not leave our verse for this past year in the rear-view mirror. The injunction from our Lord is lifelong and good. But you knew that…. So I’m only stating the obvious for any man or woman who is seeking to walk with the Lord.
This blog is just a simple little reminder of the way our Lord calls us to live.
Act justly: What we do and say matters. We are to not take advantage of others. We choose virtue, grace, kindness at every turn. We also combine that with the call to be truth tellers. In our current culture, it is seen as virtue to affirm everyone’s choices. I would argue that that is not kindness at all. So while we love well, we also speak the truth in love. There’s more to say on this, but we’ll leave it there.
Love mercy: As Christians, we are the recipients of a mercy that is off the charts! Our sin deserves punishment, but trusting in Christ's work on the cross delivers mercy, a mercy that forgives and presents us faultless before God! In turn, we are called to be givers of mercy and grace. In 2024, let’s consider how we might do that in our world that maybe doesn’t deserve it, but then neither did we.
Walk humbly with our God: Ponder the opposite with me for a moment…. is there a way to walk arrogantly with our God? Or pridefully? A cursory reading of the New Testament reveals that Jesus’s harshest words were aimed at those who were doing just that. Walk humbly… that comes about when we truly realize exactly who our Lord is: Holy, omnipotent, perfect, wise, gracious.. and that he is the Creator, we the creature. Walking humbly with our Lord begins with waking up every day, thanking God for his gift of another day, realizing we don’t get another breath unless he ordains it, and being grateful for it all. From that position, we can read his word, love others, pray, get involved in church, serve, and continually discover what a humble walk looks like.
May your new year find you walking with the King everyday, and may it be blessed and filled with the joy, confidence, peace, and wonder that comes from following humbly by his side!
We are walking through a week where we say goodbye to one year and welcome in 2024. The year ahead will be full of promise, challenges, fears, triumphs, and a whole lot of unknowns!
We do not leave our verse for this past year in the rear-view mirror. The injunction from our Lord is lifelong and good. But you knew that…. So I’m only stating the obvious for any man or woman who is seeking to walk with the Lord.
This blog is just a simple little reminder of the way our Lord calls us to live.
Act justly: What we do and say matters. We are to not take advantage of others. We choose virtue, grace, kindness at every turn. We also combine that with the call to be truth tellers. In our current culture, it is seen as virtue to affirm everyone’s choices. I would argue that that is not kindness at all. So while we love well, we also speak the truth in love. There’s more to say on this, but we’ll leave it there.
Love mercy: As Christians, we are the recipients of a mercy that is off the charts! Our sin deserves punishment, but trusting in Christ's work on the cross delivers mercy, a mercy that forgives and presents us faultless before God! In turn, we are called to be givers of mercy and grace. In 2024, let’s consider how we might do that in our world that maybe doesn’t deserve it, but then neither did we.
Walk humbly with our God: Ponder the opposite with me for a moment…. is there a way to walk arrogantly with our God? Or pridefully? A cursory reading of the New Testament reveals that Jesus’s harshest words were aimed at those who were doing just that. Walk humbly… that comes about when we truly realize exactly who our Lord is: Holy, omnipotent, perfect, wise, gracious.. and that he is the Creator, we the creature. Walking humbly with our Lord begins with waking up every day, thanking God for his gift of another day, realizing we don’t get another breath unless he ordains it, and being grateful for it all. From that position, we can read his word, love others, pray, get involved in church, serve, and continually discover what a humble walk looks like.
May your new year find you walking with the King everyday, and may it be blessed and filled with the joy, confidence, peace, and wonder that comes from following humbly by his side!