Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Our Beacon Church family is active in missions.  We work with diligence to be obedient to God’s command to be disciples who share the Gospel, His Word, and His promises. We do this through prayer, action, love, and financial support to field missionaries.  Scroll down to learn which missionaries and organizations we are supporting and what short term missions trips may be coming up.

Missionary of the Month

Ministry Location: Has been Chicago region; we've just moved to the Minneapolis region &
will continue with our ministry.

Ministry Description: Equipping churches, ministries, & individuals to reach Muslims & immigrants; discipleship & Bible studies--discipling MBBs & other new believers; evangelism, especially among Muslims; teaching with Pars Theological Centre (Roy); writing resource materials & producing equipping videos.

Recent Ministry Fruit: Roy taught several discipleship courses to Iranian pastors & leaders in Europe & is seeing their spiritual maturity grow; he taught seminars to a new group ministering to Iranians in Oslo, Norway--exciting to see them learning/practicing good ministry techniques that Roy teaches; Roy's book "The Burden of Baggage" about Iranian ministry is becoming better known in missionary/ministry organizations, to equip people to minister to first generation Christians. Darla had a very fruitful teaching & music ministry in our church, teaching Bible studies & advising the worship team & playing piano each week. Both--leading & organizing the Chicago/Tri-State COMMA ministry, teaching workshops to equip others. (Plus other events & answers to prayer, as referred to in our ministry updates)

Recent Challenges:
Because of a crisis in our family this year, we have moved to the Minneapolis area sooner than we had planned, to help our adult children & grandchildren. (We planned to move the end of 2024.) These past 2 months (Sept--Nov) have been a whirlwind of buying a house, getting our ILL house ready to put on the market, packing & moving. As we settle in, we need to find a "church home", visit with immigrant & Muslim ministries, & discover where God wants us to minister & use our gifts & experience. We are leaving our Chicago region ministries in the capable hands of our colleagues.