
Family Easter Event Donations... Our annual Family easter Event is coming up. We would like to ask if you would be able to donate a bag of candy for the event. If you are able and willing to do so, please drop the candy off in the BC Kids area on Sunday morning. If you have any questions, please contact Jenn Robinson.
Crisis Pregnancy Center Brunch... Come out, enjoy brunch, and show your support for the Crisis Pregnancy Center on March 29 at 10:00 AM. We will be gathering at Wellspring Church to learn more about the ministry and spread the word about the work they do. If you would like more information, click HERE.
Reach AC... Our Reach AC Ministry is collecting items to provide to those in need in Atlantic City. Their current needs are package snacks such as crackers, cookies, chips, bottled water, and Gatorade You can drop off any donations in the foyer on Sunday morning. The next time Reach AC is going to Atlantic City to hand out these items is Saturday, March 29. If you have questions, you can contact Glenn Marienski at 609-685-0927.
Chair Team Help Needed... We are looking for a few people who would be willing to help set up chairs on Saturday evenings. If you're interested in helping out, please contact Tony Laielli at 609-412-4696 or Pastor Al at 609-220-8930.
Vintage (65+) Easter Lunch...  Join us at 10:30 AM on Thursday, April 10 in the Genesis room to make a craft or come at 11:30 AM for lunch with Easter games and fellowship. Please sign up by April 6.  Get more info or sign up by clicking HERE or going to the Welcome Center.
Real Magnolia's Olive Garden Dinner & Fellowship... Join us on April 14, 2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  Women of all ages are welcome. If you're interested in joining us, please sign up near the Welcome Center ASAP as seating is very limited.
FCA Banquet... The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is hosting a banquet on April 26. It will be a great time to celebrate the ministry of FCA in our local public schools. If you would like more information or are interested in attending, please contact Donna Boyer at 856-816-1881.
Church Softball Team... Church softball will be starting at the end of April. We are looking to add more players to the current team for the upcoming season. The team is open to anyone 16 and older. All of our games are on Monday nights. If you have questions or would like to join the team, please contact Ryan Alexander at 609-741-7922.
Sunday Morning Greeters Needed... We are in need of Sunday morning greeters! If you enjoy giving others a warm greeting and meeting new people, come be a greeter! If you are interested in joining the greeting team during first service, please contact Pam Peterson at 609-287-8804 . And if you are interested in joining the greeting team during second service, please contact Sherry Schenker at 609-418-9740.
Moms in Prayer...  Attention all moms!! Join us as we gather to pray for our kids. Moms in Prayer gathers every Monday morning from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM. Moms of children of all ages (even adult children) are welcome!
Young Adults Gatherings...  Did you know that Beacon Young Adults gather every 1st and 3rd Friday at 7 PM at the home of Lance and Megan Chambeau?  Spread the word.  For more info, call or text Lance at (732) 678-3377.

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