
2024 Giving Statements... These were emailed last week. If you did not receive yours or have a question, please contact the church office at 609-748-0001.
Sunday Morning Greeters Needed... We are in need of Sunday morning greeters! If you enjoy giving others a warm greeting and meeting new people, come be a greeter! If you are interested in joining the greeting team during first service, please contact Pam Peterson at 609-287-8804 . And if you are interested in joining the greeting team during second service, please contact Sherry Schenker at 609-418-9740.
Women's Retreat at Sandy Cove... The annual women's retreat at Sandy Cove will be May 16-18. If you would like to attend, please sign up with Carmela ASAP.
 Real Magnolia's Shore Diner Dinner & So Sweet Fellowship... Join us on February 10, 2025 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Shore Diner for a time of food and fellowship.  Women of ages are welcome. If you're interested in joining us, please sign up near the Welcome Center ASAP as seating is limited. This Sunday is the last day to sign up!
Vintage (65+) "Love Your Neighbor"  Valentine's Lunch... Come celebrate God's love with us on February 13 (Thursday) at 11:30 AM in the Genesis Room. Chili lunch. Games. Candy Bar exchange. Sign up by clicking HERE or going to the Welcome Center.
13th Annual Camp Spofford Adult Retreat... Our annual adult retreat at Camp Spofford is just around the corner! The retreat will be May 1-4, 2025. We will be enjoying chef cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday morning. We will enjoy Bible study on Friday and Saturday mornings and will have lots of free time to explore, shop, play games, and fellowship. The cost is $230 per person. If you're interested in attending please pick up a form in the foyer on Sunday morning over the next three weeks.
Membership Class... If you are interested in becoming a member of Beacon or if you would like to know more about what that means, join us on Feb 23 at 6:00 PM for a membership class with Pastor Pete. If you have questions about the class, you can speak to Pastor Pete or Pastor Josh.
Upward Pray and Play... Join us every Tuesday night from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM for a fun time of fellowship, basketball, and prayer. This is open to everyone ages 16 and older.
AC Outreach Needs... The last Saturday of each month, a group of people from Beacon head to Atlantic City to hand out blessing bags that include necessities. We are collecting items needed for these bags. You can find the list of needs HERE. You can drop them off in the foyer on Sunday morning.
Moms in Prayer...  Attention all moms!! Join us as we gather to pray for our kids. Moms in Prayer gathers every Monday morning from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM. Moms of children of all ages (even adult children) are welcome!
Young Adults Gatherings...  Did you know that Beacon Young Adults gather every 1st and 3rd Friday at 7 PM at the home of Lance and Meghan Chambeau?  Spread the word.  For more info, call or text Lance at (732) 678-3377.

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