Psalm 136
This is a psalm of David, who is recounting the goodness of his God and reflecting on his faithfulness. He uses the phase “his love endures forever” to underscore each statement. This thanksgiving I thought I'd use that same format to pen my own song of praise!

Let’s give thanks to the Lord, because he is good,
his love endures forever.
He is the God above all gods,
his love endures forever.
There is no one like you, O Lord,
his love endures forever.
You formed us in our mother’s womb,
his love endures forever.
We are fearfully, carefully, and wonderfully made,
his love endures forever.
You go before us like a mighty warrior,
his love endures forever.
You are everywhere present and nothing catches you off guard,
his love endures forever.
To him who has power over failing economies,
his love endures forever.
Who commands the storm, the wind, and waves,
his love endures forever.
And puts rulers, presidents, governors into power,
his love endures forever.
To the God who makes the eagle soar, the lion roar,
his love endures forever.
He gives sight to the blind, and sometimes not,
his love endures forever.
He cures cancer, rights wrongs, offers peace,
his love endures forever.
Who sometimes doesn’t heal,
his love endures forever.
Who allows suffering, difficulty, and devastating heartbreak,
his love endures forever.
Who sticks closer than a brother,
his love endures forever.
He sends the gentle breeze, the warm sunshine,
his love endures forever.
He’s in the blizzard, sends the lightning, orchestrates the rain,
his love endures forever.
His is not surprised by my sin,
his love endures forever.
He does not need my love or goodness,
his love endures forever.
He never loves me any less,
his love endures forever.
His grace is sufficient… for everything,
his love endures forever.
He forgives,
his love endures forever
Runs after the wayward,
his love endures forever.
He blesses, encourages, and frees us,
his love endures forever.
How good and right it is to praise and adore him,
his love endures forever.
his love endures forever.
He is the God above all gods,
his love endures forever.
There is no one like you, O Lord,
his love endures forever.
You formed us in our mother’s womb,
his love endures forever.
We are fearfully, carefully, and wonderfully made,
his love endures forever.
You go before us like a mighty warrior,
his love endures forever.
You are everywhere present and nothing catches you off guard,
his love endures forever.
To him who has power over failing economies,
his love endures forever.
Who commands the storm, the wind, and waves,
his love endures forever.
And puts rulers, presidents, governors into power,
his love endures forever.
To the God who makes the eagle soar, the lion roar,
his love endures forever.
He gives sight to the blind, and sometimes not,
his love endures forever.
He cures cancer, rights wrongs, offers peace,
his love endures forever.
Who sometimes doesn’t heal,
his love endures forever.
Who allows suffering, difficulty, and devastating heartbreak,
his love endures forever.
Who sticks closer than a brother,
his love endures forever.
He sends the gentle breeze, the warm sunshine,
his love endures forever.
He’s in the blizzard, sends the lightning, orchestrates the rain,
his love endures forever.
His is not surprised by my sin,
his love endures forever.
He does not need my love or goodness,
his love endures forever.
He never loves me any less,
his love endures forever.
His grace is sufficient… for everything,
his love endures forever.
He forgives,
his love endures forever
Runs after the wayward,
his love endures forever.
He blesses, encourages, and frees us,
his love endures forever.
How good and right it is to praise and adore him,
his love endures forever.