Revelation Questions: Beginning or the End?
by Dan Vandzura on August 6th, 2021
As we arrive in the final month of Summer and close out this short series on Revelation, it seems like the most appropriate place to end would be… well, the ending. As we do, its important to remember that the fate of creation and humanity in a Biblical worldview is not a destruction of matter and evacuation to Heaven, but rather a restoration of all things that ushers in a new age of life and glo... Read More
Deworming... Not Just for the Dogs
by Pete Nelson on July 17th, 2021
I was speaking with Pastor Rob the other day about the fact that in Haiti it’s common practice to de-worm children. Living in our wonderful country, this is literally unheard of unless one owns a dog. If you have a pet, medication is common to give to animals for their protection from parasites such as worms. Rarely do we speak of deworming our children. How blessed we are to live here!I was readi... Read More
Revelation Questions: Food, Ammo, Lions, and Lambs
by Dan Vandzura on July 9th, 2021
So how much food and ammo does Revelation say I should stockpile?During the height of the pandemic I watched a YouTube video of a man claiming to be a prophet (What an interesting age we live in that YouTube prophets are a thing…). After recounting a convoluted mess of conspiracy theories mixed with Christian-y words, he predicted that Christians were about to enter a period of great tribulation, ... Read More
by Josh Cervone on July 2nd, 2021
What did the church look like when it started? What did the original Christians do when they worshiped and when they gathered? Last Sunday, Pastor Pete preached on Act 1-2 as a part of our CHURCH: Unfinished series. At the end of Acts 2, we see a picture of what the life of the early church looked like. Luke tells us that the first Christians dedicated themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowsh... Read More
The Gift of the Rainbow
by Pete Nelson on June 19th, 2021
‘Tis the season… For thunderstorms… And rainbows! If you’ve lived any significant amount of time… You have seen more than one rainbow. Rainbows are a glorious sight! They seem to come at the most unexpected times like a serendipitous reminder of the beauty and wonder of our God.Technically, a rainbow is an arched spectrum of colors seen in the sky as light, refracted through water vapor suspended ... Read More
Revelation Questions: Marks, Microchips, and More!
by Dan Vandzura on June 11th, 2021
In my last blog we began a discussion about Revelation and the fact that it was not written primarily as a road map for the end of the world, but as an “apocalypse” that showed us the spiritual realities behind the suffering that the first Christians (and we) can expect to experience in a world ruled by beastly powers. Now that we have an idea of Revelation’s purpose in mind, we can... Read More